AI: Transforming the Government Mission

Building out artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities is a national security imperative. The rate of adoption of AI across the U.S. government is increasing and the vast amounts of data collected can deliver tremendous insights to enhance security, improve citizen services, and transform decision-making processes. The confluence of AI and edge computing will enable the federal government to take better advantage of cloud capabilities and achieve better mission outcomes. The U.S. cannot afford to fall behind in developing and adopting AI technology as U.S. adversaries are investing billions to stay
competitive in this area and are using AI to their advantage.
To examine these issues in detail, the Center for Public Policy Innovation (CPPI) and Homeland Security
Dialogue Forum (HSDF) convened a virtual symposium in October 2020—Artificial Intelligence:
Transforming the Government Mission. The following report includes major takeaways from a series of
keynotes and panel discussions with experts from across government and industry.